Learn AWS–Cloud Computing with Excelsis Technologies

AWS – Cloud Computing Certification Course - Excelsis Technologies Certified Course with ISO

This courses will be completed in 2.5 Months.

As per the current pandemic situation and will all the precautionary measures we came up with two options online training and classroom training. Students can opt. as per there preference.

Once the student completes the courses successfully, we provide them – Excelsis Technologies Certificate with ISO.

1) Global Certified experienced trainers and corporate base knowledge.
2) Project and Practical knowledge.
3) MNC’s Placement support.
4) Preparation for Global certification and Interview.
5) 100% student training satisfaction.

Want to know more about AWS – Cloud Computing opportunities?

Course Overview: AWS – Cloud Computing

1) Introduction to cloud computing
2) Different Models of cloud computing
3) Create AWS accounts
4) Setting up AWS accounts
5) Evaluating Service Level Agreements (SLA)
6) Various AWS Services
7) AWS Management Console
8) The AWS CLI – using credentials
9) The AWS CLI- using roles
10) AWS Global Infrastructure
11) Identity Access Management in AWS
12) What Is IAM in AWS?
13) IAM users and their access in AWS
14) IAM roles and their permission
15) Active Directory Federation in AWS
16) Web Identity Federation
17) Amazon EC2
18) EC2 Overview
19) Amazon Machine Images(AMI)
20) AWS AMI creation
21) Security groups
22) Key pairs in AWS
23) Assigning elastic IP address
24) Elastic IP v/s Public IP
25) Bootstrap Scripts
26) Overview of Amazon EBS
27) EBS Volume intro
28) EBS vs Instance Store
29) Upgrading EBS volume
30) Cloud watch management tool in AWS
31) Different management tools in AWS
32) Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
33) What Is S3 in AWS
34) Creating an S3 bucket in AWS
35) S3 Version Control
36) S3 Lifecycle Management & Glacier in AWS
37) S3 Uploading & Downloading
38) S3 durability & redundancy in AWS
39) Cloud front overview
40) Create a CDN
41) Security & Encryption in AWS
42) Storage Gateway
43) Import & Export using Snowball in AWS
44) Cross region replication in AWS
45) Static website using S3 in AWS
46) Elastic Beanstalk & Lambda In AWS
47) Managing applications using Beanstalk In AWS
48) Copy S3 object through Lambda In AWS
49) Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling in AWS
50) Components and types of load balancing In AWS
51) Auto scaling and its benefits in AWS
52) AWS Life cycle of auto scaling
53) Components and policies of auto scaling
54) Database Services In AWS
55) Database overview
56) Amazon Relational Database Service ( RDS)
57) AMI databases
58) Amazon Redshift
59) DynamoDB
60) Amazon ElastiCache
61) AWS Database Migration Service(DMS)
62) Route S3 In AWS
63) How to create zone in AWS
64) Understanding Routing Policies in AWS
65) Simple routing policy
66) Failover routing policy in AWS
67) Geolocation routing policy in AWS
68) Latency routing policy in AWS
69) Multivalue answer routing policy
70) Weighted routing policy in AWS
71) Amazon Application Services overview
72) Simple Email Service
73) Simple Queue Service
74) Simple Notification Service
75) Amazon SWF in AWS
76) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
77) VPC Overview
78) VPC & its benefits
79) VPC Security
80) Default & non default VPC
81) VPC NAT in AWS
83) NAT vs Bastion host
84) Creating Bastion Host
85) Direct Connect Overview
86) Building your custom VPC
87) AWS Troubleshooting
88) Troubleshooting EC2 instances
89) Troubleshooting using CloudWatch
90) Troubleshooting using ELB
91) AWS Project
MNC’s Placement support.
Preparation for Global certification and Interview.

Learn AWS – Cloud Computing with Excelsis Technologies

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