SAP was founded in 1972, this company was initially called System Analysis Program Development but later called SAP. Since then it has grown with more than 100,000 employees. It’s global headquarter is in Walldorf, Germany and has regional offices in 180 countries. Today it is one of the most world’s leading producers of software for the management of business processes and is the fourth largest software company in the world. In simple words, it is an acronym for Systems, Applications and Products and it is well known for its data management programs.
SAP functional modules includes finance and control, production panning, material management, sales and distribution and human resources.
SAP has many advantages like it promotes consistent practice across an entire division, it has the ability to provide clear cut job roles with authorizations, it enables integration with e-commerce, standardization of business processes and many more.
It’s everyone dream to choose a right career that is not only financially rewarding but also professionally satisfying. A career in SAP is both enriching intellectually, professionally and financially rewarding. SAP is a great platform especially for the experienced people but if you are a fresher or someone who has been working for a while then also you can join SAP as it provides SAP Training to the freshers.
Since SAP has wide variety of roles based on your domain experience, aptitude and inclination you can consider anyone of the role. It falls under the category of easy to learn. They are broadly classified as Technical and Functional modules that is –
Technical Consultants – they are responsible for managing systems, networking and to be system admin. These courses help in installing, performance tuning and upgrading of SAP servers and databases.
Functional Consultants – they are responsible to satisfy customer demands and requirements by customizing SAP for them. If you are interested in such work in either planning or manufacturing, cost management, sales and distribution they provide variety of courses.
If one has to become a good consultant in this great SAP then one must work on the following;
You should try to develop problem solving skills for challenging situations.
You should always be updated about the top job trends on professional networking sites.
You should continuously learn from mentors, industry experts or trainers and also enrich your knowledge by reading books, blogs and the authentic sites.
You should try to connect to the network and network will help you to connect to the market and so professional networking is important.
Job in SAP is like a dream come true but its also important to consider your interests, aptitude and strengths as one should try to enjoy his/her work and try to love it.